Chitty_RGB_300x450What I do….
My goal is to work as an agent for change within social purpose and cultural organizations, collectives and networks as a facilitator, researcher/writer, or trainer. I support groups working in a culture of collaboration and respect, or which want to move to that culture. I want to help you do your best work.

My areas of special interest include governance and group process within organizations and networks, strategic plans, and Board training. I am an excellent facilitator and am happy to work for single meetings or longer commitments to smooth your process through difficult decision-making.

I have a Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution and can support you in working through conflicts and change. I deliver a workshop on Conflict which includes Conflict Styles and can teach entry-level interest-based negotiation. I offer a workshop on Consensus, a decision-making process that is often misunderstood.

I can help you get through your Annual General Meeting with planning and document preparation. It’s best to contact me as you come up to the end of your fiscal year, but I can work on a tighter timeline if needed.

I have leadership experience and a strong voice, however, my professional interest is in supporting others in developing their own voice and vision. I work within a continuum of completely facilitative with a neutral voice to an authoritative voice based on substantive knowledge, dependent on your needs and field.

My skills are relevant also to social enterprises and certain small businesses. My experience is primarily within micro and small not-for-profit organizations.

I am available for contracts as a consultant on terms of all duration and as well am open to contract positions within your organization.

What I’ve done…
Highlights & influences….
Microfinance for Artists Research Project (MARProject) 
–  download the report

Contact me at elizabeth [dot] chitty [at]

1 comment
  1. Elizabeth – my goodness – you are an adept choreographer for social change – as JBueys conclueded, the best art happens as social sculpture – and that means that intent is embedded in the process, otherwise we have deep imbalances. So, if I can leverage my own vision for ‘Sharette’ to something simple and feasible to start, I will get in touch to consider more steps. It was very good to meet you finally and discover some shared links – today I’m mulling about the detention centre before I call, but it feels like a good thing to do right now. All the best with your efforts.
    and take care of you – ciao jb

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